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Teen Cliques

By Our Special Correspondent


The Youth Has Major Roles to Play

In The Indian Politics And Voting.

Every third person in every city of India is categorized to be a ‘Youth’ and therefore around 33% of the country’s population comprises of the youth. This way, the youth has major roles to play in the Indian politics and voting. Delhi, Mumbai and Ahmadabad top the charts when it comes to the youth from these cities are more aware about the political scenario of the nation than compared to the other states. A survey suggested that 23.1% of the youth would vote according to the caste lines; say for examples the OBCs or the STs or the SCs (not all of them but most of them). However, the literate youth sidelines caste and religion and votes according to, how well a party can serve in the developmental sectors of the country. The survey also suggests that 27.8% consider the merits of the nominated candidate and 24.6% check the status and word of the political party they belong to. “India is a developing country and I will always vote in a way which is the best for the country’s development”, says Tanvi, a 2nd year JMC student. From the time of the freedom struggles till today, the youth have had major roles to play. It then actively participated in all the freedom movements and it won’t be wrong if we say that the active youth participation played a big role in getting us independence.

According to surveys, India will become the youngest country by 2020 and the youth as well as the educated population of the country has been seen to be keenly interested in the politics of the nation. The Indian Youth is bending more towards the developmental side and not just that, it participates, united in almost all the problems the country faces. The recent biggest example is that of the Nirbhaya Rape Case (December 2012). The youth has anger as well as respect towards the political conditions of the country. It holds better analyzing power. It wants change, change for better of the country. Instead of focusing on politics on the religious lines, the parties should focus on the youth of the country and try to put forth their demands. The voice of a youth will obviously lead to a better tomorrow of the nation. This way, not only the country will become a better place to live in but it will also help in the decrease of the figures of dirty Indian politics played on caste and religious basis.

Shelly, a Ramjas student says, “Youth participation is a must in the political front. The youth of the nation are much more aware about the problems, India is facing. Political parties should make sure that the voice of a youth does not go unheard.” From Terrorism to rapes and poverty to development, youth wants action, action towards the good of the country. More youth should be brought in the political front. This will not only increase the present conditions of the nation but will also see an increase in the literacy level of the political leaders, as many in today’s date miss the literacy tag.


A Single Vote

Can Decide

The Future of this


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