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Study Skills


Associate Professor

Sir. C.R.Reddy College, Eluru

By our Correspondent

Tips of Reduce Anxiety during Exams

Finals are a stressful time for everyone, but if you are someone who easily gets anxious it can be an even harder time to cope with. Stop stressing and keep reading because we’ve put together some tips to help get you through that anxiety filled finals week.

Get a planner.

Scheduling is a key factor to keeping your anxiety under control. With a planner you can write down exactly when your finals are and set aside time to study for each one. During the school year my planner is my best friend! If I write something down I feel guilty not completing it at the time I originally decided on. Planning ahead will relieve you of cramming and help keep your other assignments in order as well.

Study ahead

Now that you have a planner, use it to schedule time to study ahead for your exams. Don’t save your studying for the night before your test. It will only cause you to feel anxious that you haven’t studied enough. You’ll be too worked up worrying about the amount you studied and will blank on easy questions. There has been many times where I worry about not studying ahead of time gives me the chance to read over everything and memorize as much as I can.

Sleep tight!

Don’t stay up all night cramming for your exams. Now that you know to study in advance, you’ll feel confident the night before your big final. Have a relaxing cup of tea (I recommend Celestial Seasons Sleepy time Tea) to settle whatever nerves you may have. My anxiety has cost me too many nights of sleep. If you try to get to bed much earlier than you usually do, you’ll fall asleep sooner. After getting a decent night of sleep you will feel refreshed and ready to take on that test in the morning.

Eat light before the test.

When you wake up well rested, make sure you eat something. Don’t have a huge meal. In my case, when there is anxiety there is often stomach aches. I‘ll eat something simple, like a banana for example. Fruit is definitely a good choice for a pre-final breakfast. Never take a test on an empty stomach! Antsy. When I leave early I get some of the nerves out and don’t have to worry about being late! Arriving early to your test will give you time to settle down and go over some last minute notes.

Look over the entire test before you start.

If you take a few minutes to gather your thoughts and see what questions you should answer first you’ll feel more confident. By answering the easiest questions first you will feel more optimistic about the harder questions.

Take a deep breath.

Deep breathing is essential to conquering anxiety. It is a technique fill up your diaphragm with air, and then slowly releases it through your nose. Concentrate on your Breathing. I will do this usually as I begin a test to calm my nerves and focus.

Use your muscles!

Muscle tension-relaxation exercises can be extremely helpful during an anxious time. If you feel yourself starting to panic during a final, simply tense all the muscles in your arms and legs then suddenly relax them all. This movement helps relieve tension almost instantly. When I do this like to start at my toes and work all the way up to my head. This is also a great way to help get to sleep quicker! Your everyday life, not just on test day. You’re ready to take on both your anxiety and your finals! To avoid stress during semester and work on your time management skills read my blog and tips on how to avoid stress management and develop time management skills in college. What tip did you find most helpful? How else do you deal with anxiety and stress during finals week? Let us know in the comments!

“You’re lucky enough to be different from everyone else, don’t change to be the same.”

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